Essential Oil Blends

Blends that formulated for your daily requirements

Tooth & Gum Care Blend

Anit-Inflammatory for gums, Supports Fresh Breath and maintains healthy oral hygiene.

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Menstrual Comfort Blend

Eases menstrual abdominal Pain, cramps and discomfort.

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Bite & Sting Blend

Mosquito, Ants, Bee, Wasp, Scorpion, horsefly, Jellyfish, Spider... relief in the case of bites.

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Liver Solution Blend

Assists with fatty liver, liver insufficiency and cleansing.

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Sports Injury blend

relief on muscle and generally injured areas. Gently eases pains and ramps.

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Pure Air Plus

Synergy and air purifying diffusion oil.

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Migraines & Headache

Provides intense relief and relaxes muscles.

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Nasal Guard Spray

disinfects, clears and protects the nasal, throat and sinuses.

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Constipation Relief Blend

Constipation relief and maintains regular bowel movement.

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Entire Blend Range

Click below for the entire range and catalogue.

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Learn more about what we do

Welcome to our website

A healthy and glorious world starts with all of us all, what we consume and how we feel.
Prana Monde gives you access to quality products, offering  options for allopathic treatments.
Prana Monde brings awareness to and encourages the vast possibilities of natural treatments using Chemotype essential Oils (Exclusively Sourced from Pranarom International, Belgium).

Our Products include;
Chemotype Essential Oils (CTEO)
Essential Oil Vegecaps
Essential Oil Frictions
Essential Oil Diffusers and Oils ( For home and office)
Personalized Products (Skin Care, Kids range, Body Fragrances etc.)
Essential Oil Workshops ( Corporate and Private)